Acoustic and dust attenuation
Perforations for Acoustic and dust attenuation
Focus on a good and comfortable indoor climate has increased in recent years. Minimizing dust and pollen as well as optimizing reverberation attenuation are among some of the challenges that a good indoor climate can improve.
Our unique perforation and felt application options are a popular solution for improving the indoor climate. For both ceilings and walls, different types of microperforated slat systems with felt on the back can help to improve the reverberation.
The applied sound felt also acts as an effective dust and pollen filter, which helps to clean the rooms and places where this perforation solution is used.
Call or write to us to hear more about perforation for acoustic and dust attenuation.
Perforation for all types of acoustic and dust attenuation
Perforation of surfaces for use on both ceiling and wall, can be done with a decorative cut. So in addition to improving the sound, dust and pollen of the room, the profile systems used can also form a unique and beautiful architectural touch in the decor.
What should I be aware of?
- Material selection
- The placement of the holes
- Hole sizes and the total amount of holes. This is e.g. important to achieve optimal sound absorption effect.