Dan-How's history
Our history
Where it all started
Dan-How Perforation ApS was founded in 1978 by two business partners, as a result of a series of experiments with micro-perforation of pre-coated steel and aluminum. The foundation was based on extensive technical knowledge as well as many years of experience with the construction of punching tools for ordinary perforation.
After a difficult start-up phase, we moved in 1984 to Ravnholtvænget 8, Odense M, where we had the right conditions for further development. At the new address, experiments and development could be intensified, and it was quickly concluded that micro-perforation in pre-coated steel and aluminum depended on more factors than immediately expected. But the goal was reached and now forms the basis of Dan-How’s existence.
In 1986, Dan-How was acquired by Triplan A/S, which was looking for a reliable supplier of perforated ceiling panels in pre-coated aluminium. Under the new ownership and with fresh capital behind us, we were able to increase our efforts in the European market. Through hard work, we succeeded in gaining reputable customers in industries such as blinds, ventilation, filters, metal ceilings and lighting.
A modern and reputable company
In 2010, it was decided to move and expand production, so new and modern facilities were acquired at our current address, Cikorievej 6, 5220 Odense SØ. Shortly after moving in, a new perforation system was installed, which with its layout sets new standards for the quality of perforation.
At the same time, the other production lines have been continuously renovated and updated, so that in 2016 Dan-How has 6 New-modernized perforation lines and an associated own workshop for production and maintenance of own punching tools and machinery.
Today, Dan-How Perforation ApS is a vibrant and interesting workplace with a good working environment and a pleasant atmosphere for the employees. We live up to our reputation to a great extent, as being an environmentally conscious and recognized specialist in micro-perforation of pre-coated steel and aluminum.

Metalcolor – Schweiz
For many years Metalcolor SA and Dan-How Perforation ApS have been collaborating.
For Metalcolor, Dan-How is a very reliable partner and in our opinion the best in the field.
Customers are delivered with Swiss quality pre-painted aluminium coils in an infinite range
of colours, coated by Metalcolor, with precise micro-perforation performed by Dan-How.

Servis Climax a.s. – Tjekkiet
Climax is working with Dan-How Perforation already for ages and all the time we are more
than happy to have such a reliable supplier. It is always important to have precise deliveries
in means of quality and time and Dan-How is matching those needs perfectly

Metalpaint AG - Schweiz
We appreciate your support and your collaboration with Metal Paint
and we are convinced they will be a good relationship.

HAUFE-Deckensysteme GmbH-Tyskland
Als Hersteller von Deckensystemen arbeiten wir seit gut 10 Jahren mit der Firma Dan-How eng zusammen,
die für uns die Bänder unserer Lamellendecken mikroperforiert. Um die Qualität unserer Systeme auf einem
gleichbleibenden hohen Niveau zu halten ist es für uns wichtig, dass der vereinbarte Qualitätsanspruch an
Lochung und Richtqualität verbindlich eingehalten wird. Ebenso müssen wir durch die Objektarbeit Liefertermine
verbindlich einhalten und oft auch sehr kurzfristige Lieferungen realisieren. Die Firma Dan How hat uns hier immer
voll unterstützt und stehts pünktlich die geforderte Qualität geliefert. Wir schätzen diese Zuverlässigkeit und die
immer freundliche Zusammenarbeit, auf die wir hoffentlich auch zukünftig setzen können. Herzlichen Dank
vom gesamten Team der HAUFE Deckensysteme GmbH.

Svenska Westaflex AB - Sverige
I snart 10 år har vi skickat vårt material för perforering till Dan-How Perforation, och vi är
väldigt nöjda att ha dom som leverantör. Kompetenta och väldigt trevliga. Rekommenderas starkt.