Types of perforation
We are microperforation specialists
The perforation can be made with different hole diameters, centre distances and hole patterns. The result of these factors forms the basis for the possible light, sound, air or liquid passage of the perforated area. The sum of the hole pattern is thus decisive for how large a share the perforated area makes up. This is most often stated as a total percentage of the material surface.
There is a myriad of hole diameters, centre distances and patterns, as well as several different machining principles, which means that there are almost infinite types of perforations. For many of our customers, the most important thing is that the visible plate surface remains as smooth and neat as possible while perforating in the right pattern with the desired degree of perforation.
At Dan-How, we can accommodate every single wish regarding the look of the perforation, as we have many different tools at our disposal. Should the right one not be among them, we can also manufacture them ourselves.
What should I pay attention to with different types of perforation?
There are pros and cons to the different sizes of holes, centre distances and hole patterns.
- Size of the holes
From Ø 0.55 mm and up. Depending on the desire for design and function. - Center distance
The minimum hole centre distance is determined by the diameter of the holes. Recommended distance between the holes is by default minimum 2 x the plate thickness. - Hole pattern
Depends on the desire for design and function. - Distance to the band edge
The recommended standard is min. 2 x plate thickness.
If you have questions or are in doubt, you can always contact us. We are ready to advise you throughout.

Example of a perforation
An example of a perforation type could be:
0.7-2.72; 30 ° / 60 °; 6%
0.7 = Hole diameter in mm
2.72 = Center distance between the holes in mm
30 ° / 60 ° = Hole pattern
6% = Light transmission in%
With regard to hole patterns, we can offer 4 different types:
The rhombus lies across the longitudinal direction of the band. The perforation forms a straight row of holes with the edge.

The rhombus lies along the longitudinal direction of the band. The perforation forms a zig-zag row of holes towards the edge.




Metalcolor – Schweiz
For many years Metalcolor SA and Dan-How Perforation ApS have been collaborating.
For Metalcolor, Dan-How is a very reliable partner and in our opinion the best in the field.
Customers are delivered with Swiss quality pre-painted aluminium coils in an infinite range
of colours, coated by Metalcolor, with precise micro-perforation performed by Dan-How.

Servis Climax a.s. – Tjekkiet
Climax is working with Dan-How Perforation already for ages and all the time we are more
than happy to have such a reliable supplier. It is always important to have precise deliveries
in means of quality and time and Dan-How is matching those needs perfectly

Metalpaint AG - Schweiz
We appreciate your support and your collaboration with Metal Paint
and we are convinced they will be a good relationship.

HAUFE-Deckensysteme GmbH-Tyskland
Als Hersteller von Deckensystemen arbeiten wir seit gut 10 Jahren mit der Firma Dan-How eng zusammen,
die für uns die Bänder unserer Lamellendecken mikroperforiert. Um die Qualität unserer Systeme auf einem
gleichbleibenden hohen Niveau zu halten ist es für uns wichtig, dass der vereinbarte Qualitätsanspruch an
Lochung und Richtqualität verbindlich eingehalten wird. Ebenso müssen wir durch die Objektarbeit Liefertermine
verbindlich einhalten und oft auch sehr kurzfristige Lieferungen realisieren. Die Firma Dan How hat uns hier immer
voll unterstützt und stehts pünktlich die geforderte Qualität geliefert. Wir schätzen diese Zuverlässigkeit und die
immer freundliche Zusammenarbeit, auf die wir hoffentlich auch zukünftig setzen können. Herzlichen Dank
vom gesamten Team der HAUFE Deckensysteme GmbH.

Svenska Westaflex AB - Sverige
I snart 10 år har vi skickat vårt material för perforering till Dan-How Perforation, och vi är
väldigt nöjda att ha dom som leverantör. Kompetenta och väldigt trevliga. Rekommenderas starkt.